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Find Beatport music tracks that are harmonically compatible!

  • Search for music. Avalon will find similiar tracks for perfect blends.
  • Avalon uses the circle of fifths to filter Beatport results from "Beatbot's Recommendations".
  • Designed for the professional DJ.
  • Improve your track preparation workflow.


Q: I'd like to search for songs by key, how would I be able to do this?

A: Although Beatport provides the dominant key signature for all of their listed tracks, Beatport's search engine does not provide a way to search for music by key. For the time being, searching with Avalon is the simplest way to find tracks that mix well together.

Q: How does this search work?

A: Basically, Avalon searches for music using Beatport's API and then searches for similar songs based on Beatbot's Recommendations listing. Results vary depending on whether the music selected has harmonically compatible tracks within the list of those results.

Q: I found a song I like. Can I listen to it using Avalon?

A: Unfortunately, this feature is not available yet. Previews are available on the page opened after clicking on a track's price button.

Q: What's the point of finding tracks with Avalon? The songs I already play in my DJ set sound perfect without matching key signatures.

A: It's not always necessary to mix harmonically but matching the right key signatures is an absolute way to avoid clashing keys during a set.


If you have any questions, feel free to shoot me an email.
